Who We Are and Our Mission
We have united 150+ Harlem based organizations to work for a vibrant, tolerant, clean, and safe Harlem where families, visitors, businesses, and all residents can thrive. To this end, we rely on data analysis to expose how New York State and New York City have packed excessive concentration of Drug Treatment, Harm Reduction, Adult-only Shelters, Mental Health Services into Harlem and other neighborhoods of color resulting in a concentration of people struggling with mental health, homelessness, and addiction.
Our goal is to balance compassion with the demand that all communities take their fair share. We want to end the decades-long practice of packing programs in this historic neighborhood while supporting our neighbors who continue to struggle with disproportionate, systemic, and generational health, economic, social, and safety disparities.
Explore how multiple government agencies simultaneously used Harlem as a containment zone below:

These services are densely located on 125th Street, where renowned Black Cultural Institutions are placed. Sadly, Harlem is the Black Cultural Capital, but decades of structural racism has relegated it as NYC’s containment zone.
Dr. Ryan McNeil of Yale’s School of Medicine’s Insults Harlem Residents and Proposes to Commit Research Fraud.

Seek press coverage via in-person and online events and distribute relevant news and data to our members and to social media to raise awareness. To see past events, click here
Engage politicians to advocate our agenda. See our requests for policy change and some past letters to elected officials.
Increase transparency of government agency data by making FOIL requests and analyzing the data. To see data that backup our concerns of oversaturation
Want to learn more about us? Here are our 150+ members, our 3 founders, and our contact info.
How can you help? Please donate, volunteer, and signup for our newsletter.
- 2023 City Council Candidate ForumMany thanks for 400+ attendees to our city council candidate forum with Inez Dickens, Yusef…
- CBS coverage of oversaturationThank you Jessi Mitchell from CBS for helping to raise awareness of the excessive density…
- Sign Our Petition For Community Harm ReductionGreater Harlem Coalition just launched a petition on Change.org: www.Change.org/CommunityHarmReduction The petition requests that New York State’s Assembly and Senate Members should reject The Safer Consumption Act, bill s399/a338 to legalize the safe consumption site on 125th Street, unless the following 6 Safety Guardrails are added to the bill