Edric Robinson for NY1 published a piece on Oct. 09, 2021 regarding Harlem’s burden from hosting too many substance use programs in a residential community.

The article entitled: Harlem residents say area is oversaturated with treatment facilities, causing rise in drug use begins with an interview with Maria Granville:
Maria Granville was born and raised in Harlem and said she cannot believe the increase in drug use she sees almost daily right around her block.
“They will sit on our stoops in the middle of the block 123rd, 124th Street, 122nd street and pull out cook and shoot,” Granville said.
Videos and photos provided by people who live in the neighborhood shows exactly that, men and women dealing drugs and openly using needles. Neighbors believe some appear intoxicated. Human waste is also commonly littered on private property. Maria said she remembers scenes like this in the 60’s.
“This is what our children are being exposed to, there are three schools just in this area,” Granville explained.
The issue has many parents in the area concerned for their children’s safety.
To see the video and/or read the transcript: