The Troubled History of New York’s Methadone Clinics
Yale University’s Medical School student, Zoe Adams, has written a fascinating article on the history of methadone in New York City for Urban Omnibus, a publication of the Architectural League of New York.

Adams writes:
“Across New York City, a certain kind of medicine is administered not in a regular pharmacy or a doctor’s office, but in its own kind of space altogether. Most often, these are brick-and-mortar locations, clustered in lower-income communities of color… the geographic footprint and spatial practices of methadone maintenance treatment remain hyper-concentrated and sequestered. Communities such as Harlem are overburdened with facilities providing care for a large proportion of the city’s estimated 28,500 people in recovery; yet there are no methadone clinics to be found in the wealthier, whiter neighborhoods”
To read Zoe Adam’s full article, click here.